Class III CompositeTechniques
Posted on October 23 2019
Class III lesions on #'s 6,7 & 8.

Setup #7
Double Class III's can be completed at the same time. Retainer with Greater Curve Wide set up on the lingual. Matrix cut away intra orally to provide access. I chose to do #7 first because I had enhanced access to refine the interproximal contours.

Setup #6
Set up for #6 is the same as for #7. I had excellent isolation and the matrix provided rounded contours.

Setup #8
Since the contact was broken I made a contact window in the matrix.

#'s 6,7 & 8 completed
Note rounded contours. No wedges needed. Wedges create black triangles.

The Greater Curve technique works well on sub gingival preps. Activa (Pulpdent) was the restorative composite.