Wide Bands
The Greater Curve Wide has a center width of 9mm and can be modified intraorally or extraorally
Extraoral Modifications
Trimming with cuticle scissors to modify for a deep proximal box
Finished triming with cuticle scissors
Modified utilizing composite finishing carbide for deep mesial and distal proximal boxes
Completed modification
Wide Band on a posterior molar
#19 deep subgingival distal box prep
Greater Curve Wide in place
Most of the shaping completed with the matrix in place
This helps guide the finishing carbide. Makes for easier matrix removal.
Final restoration #19
Apple core preps #'s 8 & 9
Greater Curve Wide placed over #9
Triad Gel over #'s 6 & 7 secures retainer
Greater Curve Wide cut back to provide access
Modification made intraoral. Note excellent isolation.
#9 ready for shaping
Advantages to leaving the matrix in place when doing initial shaping
1. The matrix helps guide the fluted carbide as you trim both composite and stainless.
2. Helps prevent inadvertent gouging.
3. Makes for easier removal of the band. -
Final restoration #'s 8 & 9