Restoring a Class V lesion and protecting thin friable gingiva from damage
Posted on August 13 2019
Traditional method of placing retraction cord damages thin friable gingiva. Not good.
#22 Prepped
Class V prep tooth #22. Very little attached gingiva.

Greater Curve U-Band
The U-Band has a very large flare. When the band is set up from the lingual or palatal the contra angle retainer works better since the screw end of the retainer naturally lifts up above the occlusal plane of the teeth.

U-Band in place
U-Band is slipped past the prep margin. Protects the gingiva, isolates the prep and provides visibility.

Ready for shaping
Band has been removed. Appearance of the Activa Restorative (Pulpdent) before any shaping has begun.

Burr selection
I shape with a 7901 finishing flamed shaped carbide. When I get close to the gingival margin I cut dry with a very light touch.
My goal: Do not let the bur tip touch the margin. Just get very close.

Class V tooth #22. I was able to minimize damage to the thin attachment.

Additional tip
The U-Band works well for isolating lingual Class V lesions on molars. If you choose amalgam, the matrix provides a solid surface so the amalgam can be condensed vertically into the prep.
